Whistling: top 5 songs
I learnt to whistle over the summer, and accomplishment of which I’m much prouder than it really merits. I don’t mean whistling a tune. I’ve been able to do that since I was very little. (My Gran would say, “Oh, it’s Whistling Rufus again!” which I assumed to be some performer but I’ve just looked […]

Give this a few seconds…
…and when the penny drops, you’ll LOL. Proper LOL as well, not what LOL usually means which is “I smiled inside a bit”. It’s funny all the way through as well. PS I have been practising “Bohemian Rhapsody” as a piano solo for, ooh, twenty years now. I can do it with the music in […]

Geordie Haka
Apologies if I am late to the party and you’ve already seen this… There are some great Geordie expressions included in it, my personal favourite being “geet fat knacka” which my brother and I used to call each other. (Who am I kidding with the “used to”?) Incidentally, for some reason this inserted video has […]

The internet has eaten itself
There was a time, before internet shopping took off, before Ebay, before YouTube, before FaceBook became cool and then uncool, when the main purpose of the internet seemed to be the dissemination of intermittently amusing short films and animations. (Well, that and porn, obviously. Apparently.) I even had a job compiling hundreds of these clips into […]