Lost ‘Two Ronnies’ sketch

Well, by “lost” I mean “not on Youtube” which, I realise, is a different thing altogether, but I’d love to see it again.
It’s one of their wonderful songs: they are street sweepers and that’s about all I can remember, other than it was hilarious. Every now and then I check to see if someone has posted it, and it never comes up.
Instead, check this out. It struck me that in this performance, it’s Ronnie Corbett that gets nearly all of the tricky wordplay to do. Those of us of a certain vintage and origin will recall that Ronnie Barker was renowned for his facility with tongue-tripping scripts; here it’s Ronnie C who does it, and brilliantly, and in tune!
(The writing in this is superb, too. Everything scanning and rhyming just as it should, with double entendres galore.)
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