Are you “well-read”? Take our humiliating and condescending test!
I think I am. More accurately, I like to think I am.
In fact, I’m probably not. Not really. I’m a fairly slow and fairly picky reader.
But how can you tell whether you qualify for this fatuous and altogether snobby accolade?
Well, one way would be to do this quiz, which popped up in my inbox.
You gotta love the title: it’s irresistible!
OK, so I got I got eight out of ten. Seven, really because one was a complete guess. That doesn’t sound bad, but two, OK three, maybe four of the questions I had absolutely NO idea about. I have never even heard of Ignatius J Reilly, nor the Pullitzer prize-winning writer who created him. Nor am I any wiser about question 8 and Hal Incandenza – again the work of a lauded author whose name rings no bells with me at all.
Question 6 was total guesswork, and question 9 sparked some tiny memory but now I’ve looked it up, I don’t know the book or the author so maybe that was a guess as well.
Finally, two of the questions were about books I had studied at O-level, so no excuses there.
See? I could be doing much better. In the 15 minutes it’s taken me to write this, I could have read the first chapter of that thing with Ignatius J Whatsisface.
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